Elevating India’s Manufacturing Potential through “Make in India”

Shreya Rastogi
2 min readJul 9, 2023


S R Aerospace Factory Team (at launch)

Namaste! I am Shreya Rastogi, the founder of S R Aerospace, a drone parts manufacturing start-up. Today, I want to share with you my thoughts on the crucial importance of the “Make in India” initiative and how it can reshape India’s manufacturing landscape.

The Indian government’s “Make in India” project offers a rare chance to turn the country into a manufacturing powerhouse of international renown. This innovative program encourages domestic and foreign manufacturers to set up their manufacturing facilities within the nation’s boundaries, with the goal of revolutionizing a number of industries. By doing this, we can reshape the manufacturing landscape by utilizing India’s enormous talent, resources, and capabilities.

The advantages of the “Make in India” initiative extend far beyond individual manufacturers. Let’s explore the wider benefits it offers to both businesses and the economy:

  1. Job Creation and Skill Development: The initiative creates millions of job opportunities, fostering economic stability and improving livelihoods. It also promotes skill growth, nurturing a capable workforce for the future.
  2. Technological Advancements: Encouraging manufacturing within India drives the dissemination of cutting-edge technology, fostering indigenous innovations and positioning India as a technology powerhouse.
  3. Sustainable Growth and Self-Sufficiency: Reduced reliance on imports and enhanced domestic manufacturing capacity bolster the nation’s resilience, promote economic growth, and ensure a stable supply chain. It also encourages innovation, collaboration, and entrepreneurial spirit.
  4. Global Competitiveness: The “Make in India” campaign gives Indian manufacturers a competitive edge globally, attracting international partnerships and investments. India’s position as a manufacturing leader is strengthened by cost efficiencies, a large consumer base, and high-quality products.

S R Aerospace is dedicated to advancing innovation and experience in the drone sector as part of the “Make in India” initiative. We work to produce high-performance drone components with a focus on individualized solutions, quality control, and data-driven strategies. Additionally, we give employment opportunities and training to local talent, placing a priority on job creation and skill development. We hope to improve India’s economy and technological development by actively taking part in the “Make in India” project, as well as establish ourselves as a key player in the global manufacturing industry.

In conclusion, the “Make in India” plan has enormous potential for the country’s manufacturing industry. We can unleash our nation’s manufacturing capability, spur economic growth, and position ourselves as a global manufacturing powerhouse by accepting this innovative program. I’m inviting my fellow entrepreneurs, innovators, and manufacturers to work together and promote the “Make in India” movement. Let’s work together to build a future where India’s manufacturing prowess leads the global scene, improving the lives of its people and making India an international player that can’t be ignored.



Shreya Rastogi
Shreya Rastogi

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